How to Cancel PicsArt Subscription

How to Cancel PicsArt Free Trial Subscription on Android | iPhone | Mac | iPad

How to cancel PicsArt subscription free trial on Android/iPhone/Mac/iPad? Cancelling a PicsArt subscription is essential for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, it’s important to manage your app subscriptions to avoid unexpected charges. If you’ve tried PicsArt and it’s not meeting your needs or expectations, cancelling the trial prevents you from being automatically charged for a subscription you might not want to keep.

Furthermore, you can explore other creative apps and find the one that best suits your preferences and budget. This ensures you’re in control of your digital experience, allowing you to allocate your resources wisely and only invest in the apps that truly enhance your creative journey.

How to Cancel PicsArt Subscription

PicsArt free Trial Subscription

Think of a PicsArt free trial subscription as a way to try out the app’s fancy features without spending any money. You can use all the fun stuff, like cool filters and tools, to make your photos awesome. But here’s the thing: it only lasts for a short time. If you don’t want to start paying for it, cancel it before the trial period ends. It’s like a free taste test to see if you like it, but remember to watch the time.

Free Trial: How to Cancel PicsArt Subscription on Android

Think of a PicsArt free trial subscription as a way to try out the app’s fancy features without spending any money. You can use all the fun stuff, like cool filters and tools, to make your photos awesome. But here’s the thing: it only lasts for a short time. If you don’t want to start paying for it, cancel it before the trial period ends. It’s like a free taste test to see if you like it, but remember to watch the time.

Free Trial on Android How to Cancel PicsArt Subscription

Free Trial on Android: How to Cancel PicsArt Subscription – Guide Step by Step

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to cancel a free trial on Android. You’ve successfully cancelled your PicsArt free trial subscription on your Android device. Be sure to do this before the trial period expires to avoid any charges.


First, unlock your Android phone or tablet.

First, unlock your Android phone or tablet.
Google play store


Look for the Google Play Store app on your device’s home screen or in the app drawer, and tap on it to open it.


In the Google Play Store, tap the three horizontal lines (menu icon) in the top-left corner to open the side menu.

Google Play Store, menu icon
active subscriptions


In the side menu, select “Subscriptions.” This will show you a list of all your active subscriptions.


Scroll through the list to find the PicsArt subscription you want to cancel and tap on it.

PicsArt subscription you want to cancel and tap
PicsArt subscription page


On the PicsArt subscription page, you should see an option to cancel. Tap on it.


Google Play will ask you to confirm the cancellation. Confirm by tapping “Cancel Subscription.”

confirm the cancellation

After confirming, you should see a message indicating that your PicsArt free trial subscription has been cancelled. You will still have access to premium features until the trial period ends.

Free Trial on iPhone: How to Cancel PicsArt Subscription with Video

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to cancel a free trial on an iPhone. Remember to do this before the trial period expires to avoid any charges.

iPhone using your passcode or Face ID/Touch ID.


Begin by unlocking your iPhone using your passcode or Face ID/Touch ID.

iPhone using your passcode or Face ID/Touch ID.


Find the “Settings” app on your home screen, which looks like a gear icon, and tap to open it.

iPhone using your passcode or Face ID/Touch ID.


Scroll down in the Settings menu and tap on your name or Apple ID at the top of the screen.

iPhone using your passcode or Face ID/Touch ID.


Inside your Apple ID settings, locate and tap on “iTunes & App Store.”

iPhone using your passcode or Face ID/Touch ID.


Tap on your Apple ID at the top of the screen, usually your email address.

iPhone using your passcode or Face ID/Touch ID.


In the pop-up menu that appears, select “View Apple ID.”

iPhone using your passcode or Face ID/Touch ID.


Scroll down and find the “Subscriptions” option, then tap on it.

iPhone using your passcode or Face ID/Touch ID.


Look for the PicsArt subscription in the list of active subscriptions and tap on it.

iPhone using your passcode or Face ID/Touch ID.


On the PicsArt subscription page, tap “Cancel Subscription.”

iPhone using your passcode or Face ID/Touch ID.


A confirmation message will appear. Confirm the cancellation by tapping “Confirm.”

After confirming, you will receive a message confirming that your PicsArt free trial subscription has been cancelled. You will still have access to premium features until the trial period ends.

Free Trial on MaciPad How to Cancel PicsArt Subscription

Free Trial on Mac/iPad: How to Cancel PicsArt Subscription With Few Step’s

On Mac, it is effortless. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to cancel a free trial on a Mac or iPad:

Free Trial on Mac/iPad

Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner of your Mac screen and select “App Store” from the dropdown menu.

Apple ID, sign in using your credentials.

If you still need to be signed in with your Apple ID, sign in using your credentials.

App Store, click on your name or profile picture.

In the App Store, click on your name or profile picture in the bottom-left corner of the window to access your account.

your account information. Click on "View Information" next to your Apple ID.

A window will pop up with your account information. Click on “View Information” next to your Apple ID.

Scroll to the "Subscriptions" section and click "Manage."

Scroll to the “Subscriptions” section and click “Manage.”

PicsArt subscription in the list of active subscriptions and click on it.

Locate the PicsArt subscription in the list of active subscriptions and click on it.

On the PicsArt subscription page, click "Cancel Subscription."

Locate the PicsArt subscription in the list of active subscriptions and click on it.

Confirm the cancellation by clicking "Confirm."

Confirm the cancellation by clicking “Confirm.”

You'll receive a message confirmation.

You’ll receive a message confirmation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can cancel your PicsArt free trial subscription at any time during the trial period.

Yes, you will have access to PicsArt premium features until the end of the trial period, even after you’ve canceled the subscription.

If you forget to cancel before the trial period ends, you may be charged for the subscription. It’s important to set a reminder or cancel it in time to avoid any unexpected charges.

Typically, free trial offers are limited to one per user. Once you’ve used a PicsArt free trial, you may not be eligible for another one in the future.


In simple terms, how to cancel PicsArt subscription free trial , remember that it comes with a time limit when you try something for free. If you miss the cancellation deadline, you might have to pay for it. Keep an eye on your credit and debit card statements to catch any unexpected charges quickly. This way, you can avoid paying for things you didn’t want in the first place.