About Us

Welcome to BetterAPK.org, your go-to place for photography and all things PicsArt! We’re here to provide easy-to-understand information and tips to enhance your photography skills, especially if you’re using PicsArt.

From creative editing techniques to the latest features, BetterAPK is your friendly guide in the world of photography and PicsArt. Let’s capture amazing moments together!

Main Purpose

Our journey began with a simple idea – to make editing accessible to all. In a world where technology is ever-evolving, PicsArt has emerged as a pioneer, offering a user-friendly platform that caters to both beginners and seasoned creators. Our mission is to democratize creativity, providing a space where anyone, regardless of their skill level, can explore and express their artistic vision.

As you navigate through our site, you’ll discover step-by-step tutorials, inspiring success stories, and the latest updates on PicsArt’s ever-expanding toolkit. We’re not just a website; we’re a hub for learning, sharing, and growing together as a creative community.

In-Depth Guides:

BETTERAPK.ORG takes pride in offering in-depth guides that go beyond the surface. Explore step-by-step walkthroughs on specific features within our Photo and Video Editor categories, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of the tools at your disposal. These guides serve as your companions, empowering you to navigate the editing landscape with confidence.

Photo Editor Articles:

In our Photo Editor category, where a treasure trove of articles awaits. Learn the art of color correction, discover tips for effective retouching, and explore techniques for enhancing composition. From beginner-friendly guides to advanced tutorials, our articles cover a spectrum of topics, ensuring that whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your skills, you’ll find valuable insights to elevate your photo editing game.

Video Editor Articles:

Navigate our Video Editor category for a rich collection of articles designed to demystify the world of video editing. Uncover strategies for seamless clip transitions, understand the nuances of effective storytelling through video, and master the art of audio synchronization. Our articles cater to both novices and seasoned editors, providing a comprehensive resource for enhancing your video editing prowess.

Meet Our team

At BetterAPK.org, we may have a small team, but we work really hard to make sure our customers are happy.

Founder of Picsart: ADNAN AHMAD

Adnan Ahmed
Adnan Ahmed

Let’s talk about the awesome person behind BetterAPK.org, Adnan Ahmad! He’s the founder and super skilled at making websites (a web developer) and creating excellent graphics (that’s a graphics designer). He’s a wizard when it comes to making things look amazing on the internet. So, if you love editing photos and videos on PicsArt, you’ve got Adnan Ahmad to thank for making it all happen!

Because of his dedication and many skills, it has become a trusted spot for people who want to improve their homes and lives. Whether it’s creating a website, making excellent graphics, or helping people find us on the internet, Adnan Ahmed has made sure our website is top-notch. We want our customers to have a great time when they visit our website – easy, pleasing to the eyes, and fun!

Research workers

Discuss the dedicated folks working hard behind the scenes at BetterAPK in the photo and video editing research department.



Ahmad, a key team member, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise. His keen eye for detail and passion for exploring the latest photo and video editing trends contribute significantly to making our site an innovative platform. Ahmad’s dedication to understanding user needs and staying up-to-date with emerging technologies ensures that PicsArt remains at the forefront of the industry.



Another valuable research worker, Rayyan, adds a creative touch to the team. His imaginative ideas and inventive approach to photo and video editing features are crucial in shaping our site’s unique offerings. Rayyan’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in digital creativity is reflected in the diverse and exciting tools available to PicsArt users.



Last but not least, Hanzalah is an integral part of the research crew, bringing his analytical skills to the forefront. His systematic understanding of user experiences and preferences helps refine PicsArt’s features for maximum user satisfaction. Hanzalah’s dedication to data-driven insights ensures that the photo and video editing tools provided by PicsArt are fun but also user-friendly and effective.

Together, Ahmad, Rayyan, and Hanzalah form a powerhouse team driving innovation at betterAPK, constantly striving to make your photo and video editing experience the best it can be!

Professional Content Writers – Qurat-ul-ain


Let’s spotlight Quartulain, the dedicated professional content writer at BetterAPK who plays a crucial role in enhancing the platform’s photo and video editing experience through her creative and informative writing.

She is more than just a wordsmith; she is a storyteller who weaves magic through her content. Her ability to understand the intricacies of photo and video editing tools allows her to craft engaging and user-friendly guides. Whether explaining the nuances of a new feature or providing tips for unleashing creativity, Quartulain’s work ensures that users have access to explicit and insightful content.

Her commitment to staying updated with the latest trends in photo and video editing is reflected in the relevance of her content. Quartulain’s writing informs and inspires BetterAPK users to explore new possibilities and push their creative boundaries. Her meticulous work contributes significantly to making a go-to platform for anyone looking to elevate their photo and video editing skills.

  • Main Office: Al-Khaliq, Shaheen Street, Multan, Pakistan.
  • Phone Numbers: +92 3216306130
  • Mail address: [email protected]

We Care About

Our Photo Editor and Video Editor categories provide informative articles crafted to empower you with the skills and insights needed to make your editing efforts truly extraordinary.

Join us on this learning journey, and let your creativity thrive with BETTERAPK.ORG